EXPLORE MY Collection

Baroque horror
60×40 cm, acrylic/oil on canvas

Autumn in the wild
60×80 cm, oil om canvas

Cat at the vet
80×40 cm, oil on canvas
The sorrowful meow. Based on a photo of my Canadian cousin’s daughter.

Baroque 2
60×40 cm, oil on canvas
The brutal naturalism of the Baroque – based on a sculpture of the St Michel Basilica in Mondsee – Austria

Protected tree
40×50 cm, acrylic/oil on canvas (plein air)
A 260-year-old pedunculate oak stands next to a dilapidated castle in eastern Hungary. The tree is under protection.

Machine still life
60×40 cm, acrylic/oil on canvas
Fuel charger of an old Soviet tractor. The aesthetics of the machine…

Still life with cans and mop bucket
40×50 cm, acrylic/oil on canvas (plein air)

Sunrise in Lovran 2
40×50 cm, oil on canvas
I loved walking the dog on the deserted promenade in the early morning chill. Beautiful lights, delicious smells, silence, calm.

Street Festival of Fine Arts, Eger
40×50 cm, oil on canvas
My fellow artist’s stand, which I painted on the spot

Sunrise in Lovran 1
60×40 cm, oil on canvas
Early morning sunlight glints off the walls of the old villa

Japanese garden
50×40 cm
The Japanese Garden in Budapest belongs to the Varga Márton Secondary School of Horticulture. A joiful plein air painting.

NY study
46×38 cm, oil on canvas

Monet study
60×40 cm, oil on canvas

60×40 cm, oil on canvas
Based on the Baroque sculptures of the Basilica of St Michael in Mondsee

Flovers of our garden (in private collection)
50×60 cm, oil on canvas

Crown prince
60×60 cm, oil on canvas

40×80 mm, oil on canvas
Omis, Croatia again… Once again the tourist boats on the Cetina coast in the twilight, this time howerver, not from the Mirabel Tower, but from the water.
It seems to be an unforgettable subject (at least for me).

Egri Csillag (in private collection)
60×80 cm, oil on canvas

Still life
70×50 cm, oil on canvas – study image

Roots of Yggdrasil
60×80 cm, oil on canvas
Although the tree of life in Scandinavian mythology is an ash tree, the beech trees in the depths of the Bakony mountaines also create a mythical effect with their sprawling roots that twist like huge snakes. I am always in awe when I walk among them.

40×60 cm, oil on canvas
The small village in Borsod is known for its “frescoes” (actually “seccoes”). A number of artists and organisations have joined forces to paint the firewalls of the houses, hoping that the boom in tourism will improve the lives of the locals.
But the look on the little girl’s face tells you all you need to know

Crocus (not for sale)
25×20 cm, oil on canvas

Majesty of the Middle Ages
60×60 cm, oil on canvas
The majestic façade of the ruined church in Zsámbék (Hungary) on a gloomy November afternoon

In the land of Gilgamesh
60×50 cm, oil on canvas
I painted based on a photo I took about 40 years ago, in the Euphrates valley, near the ancient city of Uruk – a bit out of focus and thoroughly X-rayed at the airport in Iraq. It could even be an illustration of a biblical story.

40×60 cm, oil on canvas
The Rialto Bridge from the Grand Canal in the early evening lights during Carnival

Far from the world
50×100 cm, oil on canvas
Once again, I’m overwhelmed by the desire for the Mediterranean…
Lubenice is a charming little town on the island of Cres (population 2) with a beautiful view of the Adriatic. The area around the cemetery chapel next to the town is an “island of tranquillity”.

Alley with cat
70×50 cm, oil on canvas
In the Holy Land, Akko was the last place the Crusaders left. But the cats stayed behind, filling the quiet alleys with life.

Red smartphone
70×50 cm, oil on canvas
The title of my last painting this year has given me a lot to think about.
An ambiguous image. I discovered this detail in a tableau-like photograph taken by my wife at the 2020 Venice Carnival. Amidst the fabulous “scenery” of one of the world’s most glamorous events, boys dressed in skimpy Gucci and “pseudo-suits” watch virtual reality, oblivious to the mysterious masquerades floating around them. After all, which reality is “real”?
Or are they reading the news of a nearby Covid outbreak on a red phone in the middle of the fancy dress parade, which came to the attention of the carnival goers that day?

Noon at the mosque
90×60 cm, oil on canvas
Al Kadhimiya Mosque in Baghdad, circa 1984. I had been fascinated by the Middle East since childhood and everyday life in Iraq at that time – despite the war agains Iran and Saddam’s dictatorship – was marked by religious tolerance, at least as far as the Christian and Jewish minorities were concerned. For many years I spent long summers in Iraq as an employee of a foreign trade company (replacing colleagues), enjoying the adventure and the kindness of the people (not always the case with the ‘officials’).

Egerszalók (in private collection)
40×80 cm, oil on canvas

Path to the light
60×80 cm, oil on canvas

Contrasts – Twilight in Cserhátsurány (in private collection)
40×60 cm, oil on canvas

Ceramics Painter
60×40 cm, oil on canvas
When I was 16, I photographed this girl painting ceramics on a school trip to Korond in Transylvania. Her lovely face, her delicate movements and the focused attention with which she does her work still captivates me nearly 55 years later.

The majesty of nature
40×80 cm, oil on canvas
Under the dramatic clouds and behind the bare area reclaimed by nature, the houses of the residential complex emerge in the sharp afternoon light.

Procession in Catania
60×80 cm, oil on canvas
One of the biggest holidays of the deeply religious Sicilians is in honor of St. Agatha, in August. We accidentally got involved in the procession, but the heightened atmosphere, the crowd in ecstasy, was amazing. I made the painting based on a blurred photo of me from 1989.

Decay No.2
60×40 cm, oil in canvas – plein air
Nagyrábé, detail of the ruined, under renovation (?) Des Echerolles castle

Decay No. 1
60×40 cm, oil on canvas – plein air
The ruins of Nagyrábé mill (Eastern Hungary)

Fragrantly (inprivatecollection)
30×25 cm, oil on canvas – plein air

Cast iron well
40×30 cm, oil on canvas – plein air
Nagyrábé (Eastern Hungary), Collection of Agricultural Traditions

50×40 cm, oil on canvas – plein air
Country house in the yard of the Lajos Kossuth Cultural Center in Nagyrábé, Eastern Hungaryblock. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Doggy (in private collection)
50×40 cm, oil on fiber board

Rocky shore (in private collection)
50×70 cm, oil on canvas
The inexhaustible Dalmatian coast. The sunlight shining on the rocks, the indescribably many shades of the blue of the sea and the dark green of the pines leaning over the water also evoke the smell of the Mediterranean for me.

Bubble – Venice Carnival, 2020
40×60 cm, oil on canvas
It’s fascinating to see all ages playing and performing in this exhilarating cavalcade. The old lady blew her bubbles with total abandon, to the delight of others and especially herself

A proud old miner (in private mcollection)
60×40 cm, oil on canvas

Mysterious past – Petra, Jordan
80×40 cm, oil on canvas
Mysterious past
I’ve seen it many times in photographs, but to experience it in person, when the mysterious and monumental “Treasure House” appears at the end of the narrow dark canyon, is a true wonder.

Leopard (in private collection)
60×40 cm, oil on canvas

At the gate of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (in private collection)
90×60 cm, oil on canvas

Couple (in private collection)
70×50 cm, oil on canvas

Cottage (in private collection)
50×70 cm, oil on canvas

Carnival 2020
50×70 cm, oil, canvas

Ray Charles (in private collection)
60×60 cm, oil on canvas

Yin & yang – the memory of winter
50×70 cm, oil on canvas

Ode to Joy
60×50 cm, oil on canvas
The picture was inspired by a video recording of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony (Abbado, Berlin Philharmonic, Swedish Radio Choir).

October in Ravello
60×90 cm, oil on canvas
The lush garden of Villa Rufolo on a gloomy October afternoon

Flower still life with butterfly (in private collection)
80×40 cm, oil on canvas
study picture

Shining – Vanessa Haynes
60×60 cm, oil on canvas

50×70 cm, oil on canvas

My muse (not for sale)
60×90 cm, oil on canvas

November idyll
50×100 cm, acrylic/oil on canvas
Ebersberg panorama. One of the most beautiful landscapes in Bavaria is the Ebersberger Forst. From its lookout point you can see as far as the Bavarian Alps. The hilly landscape exudes endless tranquility with its emerald green fields, trees shining their last colorful leaves, the peaceful village and the river winding behind it in the light of the setting sun.

The last sunbeam of autumn
40×80 cm, acrylic/oil, canavas
Ebersberger Forst is a pleasant place to visit near Munich. The November twilight conjured up wonderful lights and colors on the languid landscape. The snowy peaks of the Alps can also be seen in the distance.

“Money does not stink”
40×60 cm acrylic/oil on canvas
The painting was inspired by a portrait of Emperor Vespasian, a statue in the Iseum in Szombathely.

Take off
50×70 cm, oil on canvas

Outlook (in private collection)
60 x 40 cm, oil on canvas
A monk from Gelati Monastery in Georgia interrupts his meditation to watch with moderate interest and a little disapproval as the tourist (me) eagerly takes a video.

Autumn is coming
50 x 70 cm, oil on canvas – plein air

Red chariot
40 x 50 cm, oil on canvas – plein air

Hunting lodge
40 x 50 cm, oil on canvas – plein air
Hunting lodge in Southern Transdanubia in a fallow deer reserve

Old Town Street (in private collection)
70 x 50 cm, oil on canvas
Bougainvilleas in the old town of Omis

Passing away or rebirth?
60 x 80 cm, oil on canvas
I have been a fan of ships since I was a child, so there was no question that I would photograph and paint this now and then rotting, but still impressive ship frame, which is standing in front of a small ship repair shop in Omis.
What will be his fate? will it be renovated or will it be left to disappear for good?

Old Town Roofs (in private collection)
50 x 70 cm, oil on canvas
Old town roofs of Omis (Croatia) with excursion boats on the Cetina river

Erika 1982 (not for sale)
40 x 30 cm, oil on fiber board

Hot air balloon
100 × 100 cm, oil on canvas
Tribute to the great master, Pál Szinyei Merse.

View from Kis-Milic (in private collection)
50 × 100 cm, acrylic / oil, canvas
View from Kis-Milic towards Füzér. This slightly gloomy but solemnly beautiful panorama was a farewell gift for the National Blue Trail for us in mid-October 2021.

Mali Bok 
(Island of Cres, Croatia)
60×80 cm, acrylic / oil
Sea, rocks, sparkling sunshine …
Mali Bok is one of Cres’s romantic bays.

House by the sea
(Anglesey, Wales)
50×70 cm, oil on canvas
Old memory again: lonely house defying the cold wind on the rugged Welsh coastline

Dusk by the river
(the river Sajó by Putnok)
60×90 cm, oil, canvas
Another memory of the National Blue Trail. We went from Uppony to Putnok in beautiful September. In the twilight, the pristine stretch of river exuded a magical atmosphere.

50×70 cm, oil, canvas

„Inter arma silent Musae“ (study)
70×50 cm, oil, fiber board

Still life – flowers in the vase
70×50 cm, oil, fiber board – study image
wipe out technique

Sea bear (in private collection)
50×50 oil, fiber board – study image
wipe out technique

Hoaschdeng 1933 – (sold – private collection in Bayern/Germany)
60×80 cm, oil, canvas
Heimstetten by Munich, reconstruction of a black and white photocopy

50×60 cm, oil, canvas
Scene from Mozart’s opera “La clemenza di Tito. Vitellia realizes that the rebellion she instigated was unsuccessful and without cause.
I took the scene from a beautifully arranged and fantastically photographed opera video from the Zurich Opera House.
Vitellia was played with great passion by Eva Mei.

BÚÉK! –  Happy New Year!
50×70 cm, oil, canvas

Where time stood still
80×60 cm, oil, canvas
A piece of the past within the walls of Ankara Fort. Not a tourist attraction, a real Anatolian village in the middle of a five million metropolis.

Autumn mountainside
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
November sunshine in Pilis

“Who is at peace with himself…”
60×40 cm, oil, canvas
In February 2015, I photographed this old man in Tarsus watching peacefully as he rested for a tea on the way home from the market.

50×70 cm, oil, canvas
October on the island of Ischia (Sant’Angelo) – longing for the Mediterranean in this gray winter …

50×70 cm, oil, canvas
The next piece of my National Blue Trail pictures. The mysterious caravan hides in the woods in the Zemplén mountains, somewhere between Vágáshuta and Nagyhuta.

weathered willow
60×50 cm, oil, fiber
This much-seen old willow tree stands in near to Solt.

Arrival to Abaújszolnok (sold – private collection in Hungary)
50×70 cm, oil, canvas, “alla prima” technique
Cserhát landscape on the edge of Abaújszolnok, in the twilight lights of October – on the route of the National Blue Trail

Mountain trail
60×90 cm, oil, canvas
View from the Spartacus hunting trail towards the Danube bend in the sluggish November sunshine.

Summer, Adriatic, Rosé
60×50 cm, oil, canvas
A pleasant moment of the summer – Vrbnik, Croatia, island of Krk.

Doomed to rot
50×40 cm, oil, canvas – “plein air, alla prima”
At the wine cellar of Ricsováry major.

Winecellar and whom she inspired
50×70 cm, oil, canvas – “plein air, alla prima”
The wine cellar of Ricsováry major.

Hiding in the green
50×60 cm, oil, wood fiber – “plein air, alla prima”
Part of a house among trees in the Ricsováry major. My first “plein air, alla prima” picture, which means, the picture was made outdoors, in one sitting session, in the painting camp of Kálmán Gasztonyi.

Heatwave day in Eger (in private collection)
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
A walk along the banks of the Eger stream on a sultry early August afternoon. Clouds gathering from the north promising thunderstorms.

Intimate conversation
60×40 cm, oil, canvas
1990 Monemvasia, Greece; Again, an old memory: during a siesta my son and his mom have a deep conversation about the great things in the world .

Room (in private collection)
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
The clean room of the house of the painter Ferenc Szalay in Mártély.

Grandchildren (in private collection)
40×60 cm, oil, canvas
Szonja (3) and Dani (5) – my grandchildren have fun with headgear

Early morning (in private collection)
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
This beautiful oak tree stands at the bottom of the Calvary Hill in Márianosztra.

Noon walk
50×60 cm, oil, canvas
The old town of Cres in the noon sunshine. A play of light and shadow: the sunlight reflected from the wall of the church illuminates the walking woman in a white dress.

The golden river
60×90 cm, oil, canvas
View of the city from the Árpád rest area above Rózsadomb. The February morning sunshine is filtered through the humid, smogy air, drawing the Danube into golden light and sparkling here and there on the rooftops.

Waiting for a guest
60×40 cm, oil, canvas
A memory of more than 30 years at the southeastern tip of the Peloponnese. Monemvasia is a phenomenal city between rocky mountains and the sea. Just sit down at this table with a glass of wine …

60×90 cm, oil, canvas
The gorge of the Gaja stream in the eastern part of the Bakony.

Old church (in private collection)
40×60 cm, oil, canvas
Medieval church in Mátraverebély, Northern Hungary

Sunny November in Szentendre (sold in private collection)
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
A peaceful November afternoon on the banks of the Duna near Szentendre. Dusk gilds the leaves of the trees and the river reflects the blue sky with incredible vivacity.

40×60 cm, oil, canvas, knife
Resting boats on a sunny noon in the harbor of Santorini.

Cliff bay in sunset lights
60 x 80 cm, oil, canvas
On the island of Losinj. Meditteranean impressions.

25 x 30 cm, oil, canvas
An eternal topic. This is my version.

Mostar at night(sold in private collection)
50 x 70 cm, oil, canvas, painter knife
Nostalgic memory. It was a beautiful, mild Mediterranean evening, we walked around after a pleasant dinner…

50×60 cm, oil, canvas
Defying the forces of nature, rusty but steadfast, it waits for the arriving ships.

Mediterranean street scene (sold in private collection)
70 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
Mediterranean street scene near to Marseilles.

Still life
60 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
Still life based on the picture of the most famous dutch still life painter Willem Claesz Heda.

Corydalis cava (sold in private collection)
25 x 30 cm, oil, canvas
Corydalis the herald of the spring. Their scent wings on the downhills of the Börzsöny.

New York (sold in private collection)
60 x 60 cm, oil, canvas, knife
Street scene based on the picture of Jeremy Mann – painter knife technique

Poppy field (sold in private collection)
25 x 30 cm, oil, canvas
A poppy field near to Budapest, Hungary.

Alcsútdoboz (sold in private collection)
50 x 70 cm, oil, canvas
Arboretum of Alcsútdoboz, ruins of the castle of prince József Nádor

50 x 70 cm, oil, fibreboard
The waterfalls of Slunj near to the famous Plitvice lakes.

Lago di Como
60 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
Mediterranean atmosphere – Lago di Como, Villa Balbinello.

Santorini (sold in private collection)
70 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
Santorini my personal experience, one of the most amazing greek island. It is part of my mediterranean enthusiasm.

Autumn scenery
40 x 50 cm, oil, fibreboard, monochrome
This is how I first met with the oil painting based on Van Gogh’s picture

40 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
My first “real” painting – getting know mixing colours, painting the clouds, water and the distance.

Hot air balloon
100 × 100 cm, oil on canvas
Tribute to the great master, Pál Szinyei Merse.

View from Kis-Milic
50 × 100 cm, acrylic / oil, canvas
View from Kis-Milic towards Füzér. This slightly gloomy but solemnly beautiful panorama was a farewell gift for the National Blue Trail for us in mid-October 2021.

Mali Bok (Island of Cres, Croatia)
60×80 cm, acrylic / oil
Sea, rocks, sparkling sunshine …
Mali Bok is one of Cres’s romantic bays.

House by the sea
(Anglesey, Wales)
50×70 cm, oil on canvas
Old memory again: lonely house defying the cold wind on the rugged Welsh coastline

Dusk by the river
(the river Sajó by Putnok)
60×90 cm, oil, canvas
Another memory of the National Blue Trail. We went from Uppony to Putnok in beautiful September. In the twilight, the pristine stretch of river exuded a magical atmosphere.

50×70 cm, oil, canvas

„Inter arma silent Musae“
70×50 cm, oil, fiber board

Still life – flowers in the vase
70×50 cm, oil, fiber board
wiping technique

Sea bear
50×50 oil, fiber board
wiping technique

Hoaschdeng 1933 – (sold – private collection in Bayern/Germany)
60×80 cm, oil, canvas
Heimstetten by Munich, reconstruction of a black and white photocopy

50×60 cm, oil, canvas
Scene from Mozart’s opera “La clemenza di Tito. Vitellia realizes that the rebellion she instigated was unsuccessful and without cause.
I took the scene from a beautifully arranged and fantastically photographed opera video from the Zurich Opera House.
Vitellia was played with great passion by Eva Mei.

BÚÉK! –  Happy New Year!
50×70 cm, oil, canvas

Where time stood still
80×60 cm, oil, canvas
A piece of the past within the walls of Ankara Fort. Not a tourist attraction, a real Anatolian village in the middle of a five million metropolis.

Autumn mountainside
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
November sunshine in Pilis

“Who is at peace with himself…”
60×40 cm, oil, canvas
In February 2015, I photographed this old man in Tarsus watching peacefully as he rested for a tea on the way home from the market.

50×70 cm, oil, canvas
October on the island of Ischia (Sant’Angelo) – longing for the Mediterranean in this gray winter …

50×70 cm, oil, canvas
The next piece of my National Blue Trail pictures. The mysterious caravan hides in the woods in the Zemplén mountains, somewhere between Vágáshuta and Nagyhuta.

weathered willow
60×50 cm, oil, fiber
This much-seen old willow tree stands in near to Solt.

Arrival to Abaújszolnok. (sold – private collection in Hungary)
50×70 cm, oil, canvas, “alla prima” technique
Cserhát landscape on the edge of Abaújszolnok, in the twilight lights of October – on the route of the National Blue Trail

Mountain trail
60×90 cm, oil, canvas
View from the Spartacus hunting trail towards the Danube bend in the sluggish November sunshine.

Summer, Adriatic, Rosé
60×50 cm, oil, canvas
A pleasant moment of the summer – Vrbnik, Croatia, island of Krk.

Doomed to rot
50×40 cm, oil, canvas – “plein air, alla prima”
At the wine cellar of Ricsováry major.

Winecellar and whom she inspired
50×70 cm, oil, canvas – “plein air, alla prima”
The wine cellar of Ricsováry major.

Hiding in the green
50×60 cm, oil, wood fiber – “plein air, alla prima”
Part of a house among trees in the Ricsováry major. My first “plein air, alla prima” picture, which means, the picture was made outdoors, in one sitting session, in the painting camp of Kálmán Gasztonyi.

Heatwave day in Eger
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
A walk along the banks of the Eger stream on a sultry early August afternoon. Clouds gathering from the north promising thunderstorms.

Intimate conversation
60×40 cm, oil, canvas
1990 Monemvasia, Greece; Again, an old memory: during a siesta my son and his mom have a deep conversation about the great things in the world .

Guest room / Clean room
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
The clean room of the house of the painter Ferenc Szalay in Mártély.

40×60 cm, oil, canvas
Szonja (3) and Dani (5) – my grandchildren have fun with headgear

Early morning
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
This beautiful oak tree stands at the bottom of the Calvary Hill in Márianosztra.

Noon walk
50×60 cm, oil, canvas
The old town of Cres in the noon sunshine. A play of light and shadow: the sunlight reflected from the wall of the church illuminates the walking woman in a white dress.

The golden river
60×90 cm, oil, canvas
View of the city from the Árpád rest area above Rózsadomb. The February morning sunshine is filtered through the humid, smogy air, drawing the Danube into golden light and sparkling here and there on the rooftops.

Waiting for a guest
60×40 cm, oil, canvas
A memory of more than 30 years at the southeastern tip of the Peloponnese. Monemvasia is a phenomenal city between rocky mountains and the sea. Just sit down at this table with a glass of wine …

60×90 cm, oil, canvas
The gorge of the Gaja stream in the eastern part of the Bakony.

Old church
40×60 cm, oil, canvas
Medieval church in Mátraverebély, Northern Hungary

Sunny November in Szentendre – (sold in private collection)
50×70 cm, oil, canvas
A peaceful November afternoon on the banks of the Duna near Szentendre. Dusk gilds the leaves of the trees and the river reflects the blue sky with incredible vivacity.

40×60 cm, oil, canvas, knife
Resting boats on a sunny noon in the harbor of Santorini.

Cliff bay in sunset lights
60 x 80 cm, oil, canvas
On the island of Losinj. Meditteranean impressions.

25 x 30 cm, oil, canvas
An eternal topic. This is my version.

Mostar at night – (sold in private collection)
50 x 70 cm, oil, canvas, painter knife
Nostalgic memory. It was a beautiful, mild Mediterranean evening, we walked around after a pleasant dinner…

50×60 cm, oil, canvas
Defying the forces of nature, rusty but steadfast, it waits for the arriving ships.

Mediterranean street scene (sold in private collection)
70 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
Mediterranean street scene near to Marseilles.

Still life
60 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
Still life based on the picture of the most famous dutch still life painter Willem Claesz Heda.

Corydalis cava (sold in private collection)
25 x 30 cm, oil, canvas
Corydalis the herald of the spring. Their scent wings on the downhills of the Börzsöny.

New York (sold in private collection)
60 x 60 cm, oil, canvas, knife
Street scene based on the picture of Jeremy Mann – painter knife technique

Poppy field (sold in private collection)
25 x 30 cm, oil, canvas
A poppy field near to Budapest, Hungary.

Alcsútdoboz (sold in private collection)
50 x 70 cm, oil, canvas
Arboretum of Alcsútdoboz, ruins of the castle of prince József Nádor

50 x 70 cm, oil, fibreboard
The waterfalls of Slunj near to the famous Plitvice lakes.

Lago di Como
60 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
Mediterranean atmosphere – Lago di Como, Villa Balbinello.

Santorini (sold in private collection)
70 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
Santorini my personal experience, one of the most amazing greek island. It is part of my mediterranean enthusiasm.

Autumn scenery
40 x 50 cm, oil, fibreboard, monochrome
This is how I first met with the oil painting based on Van Gogh’s picture

40 x 50 cm, oil, canvas
My first “real” painting – getting know mixing colours, painting the clouds, water and the distance.